The Web 3.0 chess meetup is powered by Lightshift Capital, Fluid Protocol and Fuel Labs. A place where all the crypto and chess Gigabrains can come together to play.
All skill levels welcomed
Boards and pieces provided
Players are free to play against each other
Spectators welcomed
About Lightshift Capital backs the most promising blockchain, crypto, and web3 projects with the potential to transform the financial services sector. We support founders and teams at an early stage, aiming to build thriving decentralized communities and ecosystems. More than investors, we are builders and engineers directly contributing to the long-term success of the most impactful use cases of blockchain technology.
About Fluid Protocol (USDF) is the native decentralized stablecoin for Fuel network.
About Fuel, Fuel Labs is building Fuel, the fastest modular execution layer. Fuel Labs is gathering the brightest minds to create infrastructure and tools for the autonomous future.